Los Angeles architect Pierre Koenig is famously known for his work in modernist architecture, specifically with his steel and glass houses. One must remember that when a well-renowned architect dies, their designed building becomes priceless evidence of their...
The Palm Springs Modernism Show is the Coachella of mid-century modernist design and architecture. Ironically, it’s held in the Palm Springs area in the Coachella Valley. Modernism Week is an 11-day event that runs this year from February 16-26. This also includes the...
William Leonard Pereira was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1906. During this Los Angeles architect’s career which spanned over fifty years, he has done over 400 projects. In 1938, Pereira moved to California; in addition to being an architect, he also briefly worked as...
If you’re a fan of mid-century modern style, then you are probably familiar with the Achille Castiglioni Arco Lamp. Achille Castiglioni and his brother Pier Giacomo designed the original Arco Lamp in 1962. Their inspiration was a street lamp; together, they formed the...
One wonders how the architect’s minds worked when they decided to design some of our most prized architectural landmarks. One thing we can all agree on is that these architects of yesteryear were all forward thinkers. These architects weren’t satisfied with the status...
Regardless of your generation, if you are a resident of Los Angeles and a Dodger fan, you have fond memories of going to Dodger games, having Dodger Dogs, and the excitement of being at the great Dodger Stadium. This mid-century modern stadium was designed by Emil...