Jun 19, 2013 | Institute of Classical Architecture, Lighting
there is a short story to this client, but you will have to ask how this international Mexican born Dynamo and ADG Eco CEO came together. Billionaire Soccer Club Owner Lists 35,000 Square Foot Holmby Hills Estate For $90 Million Investor and pro soccer (Houston...
Dec 11, 2012 | General News, Hearst Castle, Institute of Classical Architecture, Lighting
Richard Manion Architecture – Light fixtures designed by Gerald Olesker & manufactured by a company that Mr. Olesker has ownership in. The following are a few projects completed with a Who’s Who of celebrated homeowners in noted communities of Bel Air,...
Sep 29, 2012 | Institute of Classical Architecture, Lighting
Rosewood Estate Bel Air -Many Years back I worked with Manion Architects – last listing for this estte was $46,000,000. http://www.richardmanion.com/project-details.php?id=40&p=c on this Magnificant Georgian Estate. ”Rosewood Estate,” East Gate Bel-Air....
Jan 26, 2012 | General News, Institute of Classical Architecture, Lighting
ADG Collaborations Media -click here for Olesker’s press kit, speaking engagements and publications listing From the Lighting portfolio of Gerald Olesker. Collaboration with Gordon Gibson and Bruce Paez from Gibson Construction for Keyshawn Johnson. Residence...
Jan 20, 2012 | General News, Institute of Classical Architecture, Lighting
Jan 19, 2012 | General News, Hearst Castle, Institute of Classical Architecture, Interviews, Lighting
Just came across style beat with the “honeycomb” lantern by Majorie Skouras. http://www.cottages-gardens.com/StyleBeat/August-2011/The-Old-Ball-and-Chain-Round-Pendant-Hanging-Fixtures/ Gotta-Say that it’s always funny when a designer has a line based on other peoples...