Walter Gropius was a German-born architect, best known for being the founder of the world-renowned Bauhaus Arts School in Germany. The Bauhaus School had a unique approach to design. In an attempt to bring art to the masses, the idea was to take a unique individual...
If Neuschwanstein Castle looks familiar, it’s because it was the inspiration for Walt Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Castle, located in Fantasyland at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Of course, it is now the logo of Walt Disney Pictures, but was Neuschwanstein Castle...
There’s no doubt that architects are influenced by many different factors, ranging from spiritual beliefs of the client and environmental conditions, to current social trends, property location, and even cultural influences. Surprisingly, we may now add Instagram to...
In honor of the 30th anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down this month, we thought we’d share some interesting facts about this historic monument. The irony of the Berlin Wall was that the idea was conceived and built by the East German administration, led by...
The Bauhaus school was originally established in 1919 in Weimar in Thuringia, Germany. The school was the brainchild of architect Walter Gropius. Although the school only lasted 14 years, it literally changed the art world by establishing the principles of modern...
Travel is Europe has never been more exciting than now, thanks to the openness of the European Union and the promotion on social media. Most everyone is familiar with the most high-profile attractions of Europe, such as Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower and the Colosseum in...