If you want to introduce anyone to Dallas architecture, the Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe is about as spectacular as you can get. The building dates back to the late 19th century, and Galveston’s very accomplished architect by the name of Nicholas J....
There’s no doubt that architects are influenced by many different factors, ranging from spiritual beliefs of the client and environmental conditions, to current social trends, property location, and even cultural influences. Surprisingly, we may now add Instagram to...
Exciting news! Check out our feature from Luxe Magazine, highlighting a fantastic project recently completed in La Quinta, California. We’re also excited for an upcoming editor Q&A with Gerald Olesker, architectural lighting expert and CEO/Founder of ADG Lighting....
Call it anything you want, but good architectural design will never age. Now, there is a growing market for current architects that hasn’t been conquered before, and it looks like they are going to have their hands full! It is to design for a movement called...
His name given at birth is Frank Owen Goldberg; he was born in Toronto, Canada, on February 28th, 1929. His love of architecture came at a very young age. He is a pop icon, and his buildings are among the most world-renowned structures. Gehry is also a United States...
ADG Lighting can manufacture any specialty items from exam tables and bed frames, to medical equipment cabinets and room dividers and components. We can convert our specialty lighting into hospital lighting or any standard medical lighting much needed for our...