Anyone who has an ounce of creativity will be inspired by visiting the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (and by the way, her friends call her SFMOMA). If you are so inclined, her address is 151 Third Street, in San Francisco, California. The San Francisco Museum of...
Norman Foster is a British architect, and his architectural style is of a modern, high-tech type. Foster is also associated with being in the forefront of the beginnings of energy-efficient construction techniques. Although he is Ivy League-educated (his formal...
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe was an American architect who was born in Germany. He is famous for and prided himself on creating the elegance of simplicity in the rectilinear form. Some of his most famous creations include Farnsworth House, the Seagram Building, and the...
So what exactly is sustainable architecture, you ask? Let’s define the word sustainability first, which according to is the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources while supporting long-term ecological balance,...